Martin Lloyd-Jones on Discerning Causes of Problems

Martin Lloyd-Jones on Dealing with Dysfunctional People

Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones

He uses the order – physical, spiritual, psychological, demonic – intentionally, noting that this is the order that he followed in his attempted diagnoses throughout most of his ministry.


  1. Physical Problems

1) Diagnosis

  • “The first question I always ask myself is, ‘Is it physical?’ I wish to emphasize this, because there are some to whom it never occurs that the whole cause may be physical” (p. 148).

He goes on to cite several examples in which nervous conditions and spiritual crises have been caused by physical ailments.

2) Treatment

His way of dealing with physical issues is to have the ailing person seek good medical treatment (p. 167).

  1. Spiritual Problems

1) Diagnosis

  • “The second question I ask myself is this: ‘If it is not physical, is it spiritual?’…What do I mean by a spiritual problem? It is one which can be dealt with entirely in spiritual terms. For example, the commonest problem is lack of assurance. Many are troubled about this. Others are concerned about some particular sin and how they can be rid of it. Or it may be the memory of a particular sin, or of an incident of blasphemy, or sin against the Holy Spirit, or some serious lapse in conduct” (p. 151).
  • “I have always found that with persons in this spiritual category there is a clear diagnostic point. They always show a readiness to listen and they almost jump at any of the verses quoted which give them relief. They hold on to what will really bring comfort and release. One must not be put off by their appearing at first to demur a little, with a, ‘Yes, but…’ They are really doing this in hope that you can go on to make your case still stronger. They want you to make your case and in my experience it is a diagnostic pointer to those in this group” (pp. 152-153).

2) Treatment

Patient, repetitive Scriptural, pastoral counseling using the Bible and Christian wisdom derived from the Bible:

  • “…There is need for detailed proof. What I mean here is, that one must be precise and detailed in bring to bear the scriptural arguments. The impression that one can just pat them on the back and tell them ‘Don’t worry’ is not only wrong, it can be real cruelty. We need to be very patient. We may need to go over the same arguments more than once. There may need to be a number of visits, but you must keep on and on” (p. 168).
  1. Psychological Problems
  • “The third category…is the psychological. I use that general term, but if you prefer it, it could be ‘mental illness’” (p. 153).
  • “It is necessary for us to work with those in this field who have to establish the reality of mental illness, otherwise we are going to be guilty of great cruelty to some of those who come to consult us” (p. 155).
  • “Why would I affirm the reality of such illness? I suggest that the familiar (hereditary) element in the case histories alone is sufficient to establish it. Another fact is the periodicity so characteristic of many cases…Not only that, but there are many cases of mental illness which do not respond at all to spiritual, scriptural treatment, and indeed, are even made worse by this” (p. 156).

He cites specific cases for proof, and references Richard Baxter’s book, The Cure of Melancholy and Overmuch Sorrow (click the link for the full text), extensively (you can see my thoughts on that book HERE).

1) Diagnosis

  • “I think that you will find almost invariably that those who are mentally ill do not really listen to you. You quote Scripture, they do not listen. They keep repeating the same statements and give the impression that they are waiting for you to finish so that they can say their piece over again. This is almost invariable. You notice the difference as compared with those in spiritual trouble. The latter are anxious to have help. The others are not. I always feel with them that I am a kind of tangent to a circle. One never penetrates, they are almost impatient and go on repeating the same thing” (p 158).

2) Treatment

First, do not try to be a psychologist, especially of the Freudian kind (p. 168). They may need to see a physician/specialist. An appropriate prescription medication may be precisely what they need (but we are not able to decide that). Lloyd-Jones goes on to make a strong case for medical treatment for psychological cases. He relates brain chemistry to other physical ailments:

  • “If it is right to use insulin in replacement therapy for the pancreas, why is it wrong to take tablets which influence the good chemistry of the brain? I think we must get hold of the concept that mental illness is really something that has an ‘organic’ basis. It is something that can be explained chemically” (p. 169)

After making his argument, his conclusion is:

  • “We can, therefore, reassure those who believe that it is sinful to take drugs which relate to brain function that, where clinical trial and proper use have shown them to be valuable, they should be received with thanksgiving. All things in nature and scientific knowledge are the gifts of God and should be used to his glory” (p. 172).

*Note: Remember that Lloyd-Jones is not calling for the mass medicating of the masses – he is talking specifically about those who are clearly mentally ill according to the diagnostic pattern that he has set forth. ADHD, childhood manic depressive disorder, and the like were not even a blip on his radar screen when he gave this talk in 1974. He is specifically speaking of adults showing clear signs of mania or major depression.


  1. Demonic Problems
  • “This brings us to my last category which is ‘the demonic.’ Am I confronted in this case with the physical or the spiritual or the psychological or the truly ‘demonic’?” (p. 158).

The Doctor goes on to make his case for the present reality of demonic activity in this world. He then distinguishes between ‘demonic oppression’ and ‘demonic possession.’

1) Demonic Oppression

  1. a) Diagnosis

He argues that demonic oppression usually consists of attacks on believers, and he gives his diagnostic points:

  • “What are they? First, the sudden onset of the condition; second, it was something unexpected in this type of person, and something that they had never had before. Suddenly…excellent people are changed and become more or less useless. There is always a suggestion of an occult opposition to the work of God which they are doing, as if an enemy is out to spoil or stop it (pp. 162-163). Another diagnostic element is extreme weakness…Then the last diagnostic point is that they, of course, make no response to any medical treatment, no matter what it is. They also baffle all those who treat them medically or psychiatrically” (pp. 164-165).
  1. b) Treatment
  • “…I do not hesitate to say this – you will always be able to deliver them by reasoning with them out of the Scriptures. I do not mean by just quoting Scripture but deploying the whole basic arguments of Scripture concerning salvation, calling and service” (p. 168).

2) Demonic Possession

  1. a) Diagnosis
  • “Then there are cases which can only be regarded as demon possession…What are the diagnostic points in these cases? You generally find a history of dabbling with spiritualism or the occult in some form. It may have been back in their childhood, or during teenage [years], that they have been introduced to the occult and experimented with occult phenomena. They may also have experimented with drugs” (p. 165).
  • “One clear diagnostic point is that one becomes aware of a dual personality” (p. 165).
  • “A still more significant pointer is their reaction to the name of our Lord. I always tell ministers who are confronted by the duty of treating such cases to use the phrase – ‘Jesus Christ is come in the flesh’ and to note the reaction. Talk to them of ‘the blood of Christ’ and you will generally find that they will react quite violently to this” (p. 166).
  1. b) Treatment
  • “If it is demonic the choice of the correct treatment is not difficult. There is nothing that one [can] do but to seek…divine aid for the exorcism of the evil spirit. There is, as you know, a Church of England service of exorcism. The late Bishop of Exeter has produced a booklet which, in my opinion, explains this all very well indeed. It teaches clearly what should be done and not done” (p. 167).

The booklet he references (Exorcism: The Report of a Commission Convened by the Bishop of Exeter (1972)) is available for free online HERE.


The book, Healing and the Scriptures, is available HERE (used copies are cheap at the moment). Plus, the actual talk on which the chapter is based is available (for free) at the MLJ Trust website in two parts: PART 1Part 2. If this post peaked your interest at all, I encourage you to listen to the talks, and, better yet, get the book.



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